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Torah Reading API for Parashat HaShavua and holidays

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Javascript Torah Reading API for Parashat HaShavua and holidays

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This package includes both traditional (full kriyah), triennial and weekday Torah readings.

“Many congregations pattern their weekly Torah reading cycle after a system similar to the one used in ancient Israel during the rabbinic period. In this system, the traditional parashiot are each divided into three shorter segments, and the whole Torah is completed once every three years. The system has both advantages and disadvantages, but its ability to shorten the length of Torah reading without sacrificing the complete reading of the Torah on a regular basis has made it the choice of some synagogues in the Conservative Movement.”

A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly

Update December 2021: In November 2020, the CJLS modified the triennial cycle for some combined parshiyot to change the reading for year 3 to be the third section of the parashah.

Modification of the Triennial Cycle Readings for Combined Parashot in Certain Years, Rabbi Miles B. Cohen

Update August 2022: Incorporated An Emendation to Richard Eisenberg’s Complete Triennial System for Reading Torah, to Address a Rare Situation, Rabbi Joshua Heller, 2012


$ npm install @hebcal/leyning


import {HebrewCalendar, HDate, Event} from '@hebcal/core';
import {getLeyningForParshaHaShavua, getTriennialForParshaHaShavua,
 formatAliyahWithBook} from '@hebcal/leyning';

const events = HebrewCalendar.calendar({sedrot: true, noHolidays: true});
const ev = events.find((ev) => ev.getDesc() == 'Parashat Pinchas');
const reading = getLeyningForParshaHaShavua(ev);
console.log(`${ev.getDesc()}: ${reading.summary}`);
console.log(`Haftara: ${reading.haftara}`);
for (const [num, aliyah] of Object.entries(reading.fullkriyah)) {
  const number = num == 'M' ? 'maftir' : `aliyah ${num}`;
  let str = formatAliyahWithBook(aliyah);
  if (reading.reason[num]) {
      str += ' | ' + reading.reason[num];
  str += ` (${aliyah.v} verses)`;
  console.log(`${number}: ${str}`);
const triReading = getTriennialForParshaHaShavua(ev);
for (const [num, aliyah] of Object.entries(triReading)) {
  const number = num == 'M' ? 'maftir' : `aliyah ${num}`;
  const str = formatAliyahWithBook(aliyah);
  console.log(`Triennial ${number}: ${str}`);



Triennial Torah readings



Names of the books of the Torah. BOOK[1] === 'Genesis'


addSefariaLinksToLeyning(aliyot, showBook)

Makes Sefaria links by adding href, verses and num attributes to each aliyah. CAUTION: Modifies the aliyot parameter instead of making a copy.


Formats an aliyah object like "Numbers 28:9-28:15"

formatAliyahShort(aliyah, showBook)string

Formats an aliyah object like "Numbers 28:9-15"

getLeyningKeyForEvent(e, [il])string

Based on the event date, type and title, finds the relevant leyning key

getLeyningForHoliday(e, [il])Leyning

Looks up leyning for a given holiday. Returns some of full kriyah aliyot, special Maftir, special Haftarah


Makes a summary of the leyning, like "Genesis 6:9-11:32"

getLeyningForHolidayKey(key, [cholHaMoedDay])Leyning

Looks up leyning for a given holiday key. Key should be an (untranslated) string used in holiday-readings.json. Returns some of full kriyah aliyot, special Maftir, special Haftarah


Looks up regular leyning for a weekly parsha with no special readings

getLeyningForParshaHaShavua(ev, [il])Leyning

Looks up leyning for a regular Shabbat parsha, including any special maftir or Haftara.

getLeyningOnDate(hdate, il)Leyning

Looks up leyning for a regular Shabbat, Monday/Thursday weekday or holiday.

If hdate coincides with a holiday that has Torah reading, returns the reading for that day (see getLeyningForHoliday)

Otherwise, if hdate is a Saturday, returns getLeyningForParshaHaShavua

Otherwise, if hdate is a Monday or Thursday, returns Leyning for the Parashat haShavua, containing only the weekday aliyot (no fullkriyah).

Otherwise, returns undefined.


Calculates the 3-year readings for a given year

getTriennialForParshaHaShavua(ev, [context])TriennialAliyot | Object.<string, Aliyah>

Looks up the triennial leyning for this Parashat HaShavua

getTriennialHaftaraForHoliday(key, yearNum)Object

Looks up the alternative triennial Haftara for a holiday


Aliyah : Object

Represents an aliyah

LeyningNames : Object

Name of the parsha hashavua or holiday

Leyning : Object

Leyning for a parsha hashavua or holiday

TriennialAliyot : Object

Represents triennial aliyot for a given date


Triennial Torah readings

Kind: global class

new Triennial([hebrewYear])

Builds a Triennial object

[hebrewYear]numberHebrew Year (default current year)

triennial.getReading(parsha, yearNum) ⇒ Object.<string, Aliyah>

Kind: instance method of Triennial
Returns: Object.<string, Aliyah> - a map of aliyot 1-7 plus "M"

parshastringparsha name ("Bereshit" or "Achrei Mot-Kedoshim")
yearNumnumber0 through 2 for which year of Triennial cycle

triennial.getStartYear() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Triennial

triennial.debug() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Triennial

Triennial.getYearNumber(year) ⇒ number

Returns triennial year 1, 2 or 3 based on this Hebrew year

Kind: static method of Triennial

yearnumberHebrew year

Triennial.getCycleStartYear(year) ⇒ number

Returns Hebrew year that this 3-year triennial cycle began

Kind: static method of Triennial

yearnumberHebrew year


Names of the books of the Torah. BOOK[1] === 'Genesis'

Kind: global constant

addSefariaLinksToLeyning(aliyot, showBook)


Makes Sefaria links by adding href, verses and num attributes to each aliyah. CAUTION: Modifies the aliyot parameter instead of making a copy.

Kind: global function

aliyotObject.<string, Aliyah>aliyah map to decorate
showBookbooleandisplay the book name in the verses field (e.g. for special Maftir)

formatAliyahWithBook(a) ⇒ string

Formats an aliyah object like "Numbers 28:9-28:15"

Kind: global function


formatAliyahShort(aliyah, showBook) ⇒ string

Formats an aliyah object like "Numbers 28:9-15"

Kind: global function


getLeyningKeyForEvent(e, [il]) ⇒ string

Based on the event date, type and title, finds the relevant leyning key

Kind: global function
Returns: string - key to look up in holiday-reading.json

[il]booleanfalsetrue if Israel holiday scheme

getLeyningForHoliday(e, [il]) ⇒ Leyning

Looks up leyning for a given holiday. Returns some of full kriyah aliyot, special Maftir, special Haftarah

Kind: global function
Returns: Leyning - map of aliyot

eEventthe Hebcal event associated with this leyning
[il]booleanfalsetrue if Israel holiday scheme

makeLeyningSummary(aliyot) ⇒ string

Makes a summary of the leyning, like "Genesis 6:9-11:32"

Kind: global function

aliyotObject.<string, Aliyah>

getLeyningForHolidayKey(key, [cholHaMoedDay]) ⇒ Leyning

Looks up leyning for a given holiday key. Key should be an (untranslated) string used in holiday-readings.json. Returns some of full kriyah aliyot, special Maftir, special Haftarah

Kind: global function
Returns: Leyning - map of aliyot

keystringname from holiday-readings.json to find

getLeyningForParsha(parsha) ⇒ Leyning

Looks up regular leyning for a weekly parsha with no special readings

Kind: global function
Returns: Leyning - map of aliyot

parshastring | Array.<string>untranslated name like 'Pinchas' or ['Pinchas'] or ['Matot','Masei']

getLeyningForParsha~result : Leyning

Kind: inner constant of getLeyningForParsha

getLeyningForParshaHaShavua(ev, [il]) ⇒ Leyning

Looks up leyning for a regular Shabbat parsha, including any special maftir or Haftara.

Kind: global function
Returns: Leyning - map of aliyot

evEventthe Hebcal event associated with this leyning
[il]booleanfalsein Israel

getLeyningOnDate(hdate, il) ⇒ Leyning

Looks up leyning for a regular Shabbat, Monday/Thursday weekday or holiday.

If hdate coincides with a holiday that has Torah reading, returns the reading for that day (see getLeyningForHoliday)

Otherwise, if hdate is a Saturday, returns getLeyningForParshaHaShavua

Otherwise, if hdate is a Monday or Thursday, returns Leyning for the Parashat haShavua, containing only the weekday aliyot (no fullkriyah).

Otherwise, returns undefined.

Kind: global function
Returns: Leyning - map of aliyot

hdateHDateHebrew Date
ilbooleanin Israel

getTriennial(year) ⇒ Triennial

Calculates the 3-year readings for a given year

Kind: global function

yearnumberHebrew year

getTriennialForParshaHaShavua(ev, [context]) ⇒ TriennialAliyot | Object.<string, Aliyah>

Looks up the triennial leyning for this Parashat HaShavua

Kind: global function
Returns: TriennialAliyot | Object.<string, Aliyah> - a map of aliyot 1-7 plus "M"

[context]booleanfalsereturns a reading wrapper object which includes date, yearNum and aliyot

getTriennialHaftaraForHoliday(key, yearNum) ⇒ Object

Looks up the alternative triennial Haftara for a holiday

Kind: global function


Aliyah : Object

Represents an aliyah

Kind: global typedef

kstringBook (e.g. "Numbers")
bstringbeginning verse (e.g. "28:9")
estringending verse (e.g. "28:15")
[v]numbernumber of verses
[p]numberparsha number (1=Bereshit, 54=Vezot HaBracha)

LeyningNames : Object

Name of the parsha hashavua or holiday

Kind: global typedef

hestringHebrew (with nikud)

Leyning : Object

Leyning for a parsha hashavua or holiday

Kind: global typedef

[parsha]Array.<string>An array of either 1 (regular) or 2 (doubled parsha). undefined for holiday readings
[parshaNum]num1 for Bereshit, 2 for Noach, etc. undefined for holiday readings
summarystringSuch as Genesis 1:1 - 6:8
haftAliyah | Array.<Aliyah>Haftarah object(s)
haftarastringHaftarah, such as Isaiah 42:5 – 43:11
[haftaraNumV]numberNumber of verses in the Haftarah
[seph]Aliyah | Array.<Aliyah>Haftarah object(s) for Sephardim
[sephardic]stringHaftarah for Sephardim, such as Isaiah 42:5 - 42:21
[sephardicNumV]numberNumber of verses in the Haftarah for Sephardim
fullkriyahObject.<string, Aliyah>Map of aliyot 1 through 7 plus M for maftir
[weekday]Object.<string, Aliyah>Optional map of weekday Torah Readings aliyot 1 through 3 for Monday and Thursday
[reason]Object.<string, string>Explanations for special readings, keyed by aliyah number, M for maftir or haftara for Haftarah

TriennialAliyot : Object

Represents triennial aliyot for a given date

Kind: global typedef

aliyotObject.<string, Aliyah>a map of aliyot 1-7 plus "M"
yearNumnumberyear number, 0-2
dateDateShabbat date for when this parsha is read in this 3-year cycle
[readSeparately]booleantrue if a double parsha is read separately in year yearNum
[date1]DateShabbat date of the first part of a read-separately aliyah pair
[date2]DateShabbat date of the second part of a read-separately aliyah pair



Package last updated on 22 Aug 2022

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